Donald Trump is going to be president, and he will cruise to victory in the biggest, hugest landslide the American electorate has ever handed any candidate. ...
"This has nothing to do with any logic,” Adams told The Daily Beast. "But history has turned on a few people—like the Founding Fathers and Jesus Christ come to mind—who used the same tricks: They describe to people a better vision of themselves. And Trump fits into that [model] in the most direct way you could possibly do. He’s saying, ‘You’re an American, I’m going to make you feel great.’"
"The reason I believe this is because I see Trump employing a series of linguistic maneuvers that display such a high level of talent in that area that nobody sees it coming,” he continued. “Also there’s a whole lot of lucky circumstances that position him as the luckiest player on a chessboard that looks like it was designed for Trump to win."
Source: Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert) The Daily Beast 09/14/15.